Final Scientific Program


 10th Ibero-American Workshop on Complex Fluids and Their Applications
25 – 29 October, 2015, Florianópolis – SC, Brazil

The final scientific program book (including the abstracts) can be downloaded here.

25/10 Sunday 26/10Monday 27/10Tuesday 28/10Wednesday 29/10Thursday
08:00 – 08:30   Registration Registration Registration Registration
08:30 – 09:15 Invited 1 Invited 6 Invited 8 Invited 12
09:15 – 09:40 Oral 01 Oral 08 Oral 12 Oral 19
09:40 – 10:05 Oral 02 Oral 09 Oral 13 Oral 20
10:05 – 10:30 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:15 Invited 2 Invited 7 Invited 9 Invited 13
11:15 – 11:40 Oral 03 Oral 10 Oral 14 Oral 21
11:40 – 12:05 Oral 04 Oral 11 Oral 15 Oral 22
12:05 – 14:20 Lunch Lunch Lunch Closing Cerimony (20 min.)
14:20 – 15:05 Invited 3 FREE Invited 10
15:05 – 15:30 Oral 05 Oral 16
15:30 – 15:55 Oral 06 Oral 17
15:55 – 16:20 Coffee Break Oral 18
16:20 – 17:05 Invited 4 Invited 11
17:05 – 17:30 Oral 07 Coffee Break+Poster section
17:30 – 18:15 Registration Invited 5
18:15 – 19:00 FREE
19:00 – 20:30 Opening Cerimony  Conference Dinner (20:00h)
Workshop Lecture
20:30 – 23:00 Cocktail


Workshop Lecture:

Prof. Stephen M. Kelly, Faculty of Science & Engineering, University of Hull – UK. Liquid Crystalline Organic Semiconductors.


Invited Talks (45 min.):

Invited 1: Prof. Riccardo Barberi, Applied Physics, University of Calabria – Italy. Electro-convection and turbulence in nematics.

Invited 2: Prof. Luiz Roberto Evangelista, Departamento de Física, Universidade Estadual de Maringá – Brazil. Elastic continuum theory of the twist-bend nematic phases.

Invited 3: Prof. Rolando Castillo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – Mexico. Monolayers of Colloidal particles at the Air/Water Interface: Consequences of Capillary Interaction.

Invited 4: Prof. Régine Perzynski, University Pierre and Marie Curie – France. Structural and dynamical probing of magnetic fluids, electrostatically stabilized in water and in DMSO.

Invited 5: Prof. Jorge Marcelino Vergara Catalãn, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad de Concepción – Chile. Synthesis and study of star-shaped mesogens with 1,3,4-thiadiazole units.

Invited 6: Prof. Giuseppe Strangi, Faculty of Physics, Case Western Reserve University– USA. Exciton-Plasmon Interplay: Across Scales Approach for Soft Optical Metamaterials.

Invited 7: Prof. Antônio Martins Figueiredo Neto, Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo – Brazil. Magnetic and Structural Study of Electric Double Layered Ferrofluid with MnFe2O4@ -Fe2O3 Nanoparticles of Different Mean Diameters: Determination of the Magnetic Correlation Distance.

Invited 8: Prof. Javier Diez, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional Del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires – Argentina. Inertial, dimensional and stochastic effects on the instability of a thin liquid film.

Invited 9: Dr. Jake Fontana, Center for Bio/Molecular Science and Engineering, Naval Research Laboratory – USA.Plasmonic metafluids via directed self-assembly.

Invited 10: Prof. Maria Helena Godinho, Department of Materials Science, Universidade Nova de Lisboa – Portugal. Flexible elastic micro/nano filaments with intrinsic curvature.

Invited 11: Prof. Marcelo Leite Lyra, Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Alagoas – Brazil. Defect structures in nematic shells on sphero – cylindric nanoscopic colloidal particles.

Invited 12: Prof. Oleg Lavrentovich, Department of Chemical Physics, Kent State University – USA. Active Colloids in Liquid Crystals.

Invited 13: Prof. Petrus A. Santa-Cruz, Departamento de Química Fundamental, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil. Photonic Fluids for Printable Nanodevices: The UV Personal Dosimeter Case.


Oral (25 min.):

Oral Title Authors
01 Pore Formation between the Gel and the Liquid Crystalline Phases of a charged lyotropic Biomembrane Francesco Spinozzi and Lia Q. Amaral
02 Cellulose micro/nano fibers designed for oil/water separation João P. Canejo, A.P.C. Almeida, S.N. Fernandes and M.H. Godinho
03 Columnar Liquid Crystals: Self-Organized Semiconductors and Their Performance in Optoelectronic Devices Juliana Eccher, Gregório C. Faria, Marta E.R. Dotto, Petru Apostol, Harald Bock, Heinz von Seggern, Wojciech Pisula, Ivan H. Bechtold
04 Temperature dependence of Soret coefficient in positively charged magnetic colloids André L. Sehnem, A. M. Figueiredo Neto, R. Aquino, A. F. C. Campos, F. A. Tourinho, J. Depeyrot
05 Micellar dynamics investigated through temperature-jump Monte Carlo simulations Germano Heinzelmann, Paulo Seide Jr, Wagner Figueiredo
06 Liquid Crystals from 2,6-dissubstituted-9,10-anthraquinones Patricia Tuzimoto, Hugo Gallardo

Liquid Crystals Derived From Thiophene Connected to the 1,2,3-Triazole Heterocycle

Edivandro Girotto, Hugo Gallardo, and Ivan H. Bechtold
09 Formation of Fully Conjugated Macrocycles by Perkin Reactions – Towards Graphene Nanobelts Antoine Robert, Edivandro Girotto, Pierre Dechambenoit, Harald Bock, Fabien Durola
08 Dependence of the thermal lens effect of Au nanoparticles-doped lyotropic liquid crystal on clustering Vinícius M. Lenart, Rosane F. Turchiello, G. F. Goya, Sérgio L. Gómez
10 Mechano-Optical Effect in the Isotropic Phases of Liquid Crystals: a Malus’s law approach Victor E. Vizcarra Ruiz, Hatsumi Mukai, Jose N. Maki, Paulo R. G. Fernandes
11 Complex liquid crystalline polymorphism of 4-cyanoresorcinol derived bent-core mesogens with carbosilane end-chain group Eduard Westphal, Nerea Sebastián, Maria-Gabriela Tamba, Giovanni F. Caramori, Alexey Eremin, Marko Prehm, Carsten Tschierske, Hugo Gallardo
12 Cation Distribution in ZnyMn1-yFe2O4@γ-Fe2O3 Spinel Magnetic Nanoparticles Obtained by Co-Precipitation Method: A Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction Study Fernando H. Martins, J. Depeyrot, Vanessa Pilati, F. A. Tourinho, R. Perzynski, F.
Porcher, Renata Aquino
13 Columnar Liquid-Crystalline Diimides Marli Ferreira, Edivandro Girotto, Elizabeth A. Hillard, Hugo Gallardo, Fabien Durola, and Harald Bock
14 Colloidal Quantum Dots: improving the optical and electronic properties by meanings of organic stabilizer, water and core-shell structures Lizandra M. Zimmermann, Paulo V. Baldissera, Ivan H. Bechtold
15 New strategies for determination of crystal structure of organic compounds Carlos Eduardo Maduro de Campos
16 Tuning catalysis by polymer-surfactant complexes-stabilised Pd(0) colloidal nanoparticles Brunno L. Albuquerque, A. Denicourt-Nowicki, A. Roucoux, Josiel. B. Domingos
17 Isoxazolines and Isoxazoles as a Source of Hexagonal Mesophase Luana D. Lopes, Paolo R. Livotto, Ivan H. Bechtold and Aloir A. Merlo
18 Orienting Gold Nanorods Suspensions Using Electric Field Greice K.B. Costa, Leonardo F. Araujo, João M. B. Pereira, Sebastián Etcheverry, Liza Burnichon, Alexandre R. Camara, Walter Margulis, Christiano J. S. de Matos, Peter Palffy-Muhoray, I.C.S. Carvalho and Jake Fontana.
19 Slow physical phenomena on femto- and mili second z-scan measurements of magnetic colloids Eduardo S. Gonçalves, , D. Espinosa, and Antônio Figueiredo Neto.
20 Microfluidic Device Applied to the Photocatalytic Abatement of Pollutants Natan Padoin, Luísa Andrade, Joana Ângelo, Adélio Mendes, Regina de F.P.M. Moreira and Cíntia Soares
21 Structural Insights on Peptide-Amphiphile Self-Assemblies Emerson Rodrigo da Silva, Ian William Hamley and Wendel Andrade Alves
22 Thermo-optical properties and nonlinear optical response of smectic liquid crystals containing gold nanoparticles P. B. de Melo, A. M. Nunes, L. Omena, S. M. S. do Nascimento, M. G. A. da Silva, M. R. Meneghetti, and Italo N. de Oliveira


Poster section (28/10, 17:05h – 19:00h):

  Title Authors
01 Adhesion Measurements Using Atomic Force Microscopy with a Liquid Tip Cristina Garza, Juan V. Escobar, and Rolando Castillo
02 Unusual diffusing regimes caused by different adsorbing surfaces Veridiana G. Guimarães, Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Quan Li, Luiz R. Evangelista, Ervin K. Lenzi and Rafael S. Zola
03 Biaxial nematic phase and coexistence of the two uniaxial nematic phases in lyotropic liquid crystals Lia Q. Amaral, O.R.Santos, W.S.Braga, N.M.Kimura, and A.J. Palangana
04 Nematic liquid crystals in planar and cylindrical hybrid cells: Role of elastic anisotropy on the director deformations Rodolfo T. Teixeira-Souza, C. Chiccoli, P. Pasini, L. R. Evangelista, C. Zannoni
05 Systematic Investigation of Methods to Determine the Surface Charge Density on Magnetic Colloids Alex Fabiano C. Campos, Webert C. de Medeiros, Renata Aquino, Francisco A. Tourinho and Jerome Depeyrot
06 Magnetic Fluids based on Zn-Mn Mixed Ferrites Nanoparticles for Hyperthermia and Liquid Cooling Systems Vanessa Pilati, Gomes, R., Gomide, G., de Paula, F.L.O., Aquino, R., Tourinho, F. A., Goya, G. F, Dubois, E., Perzynski, R., Depeyrot, D.
07 Small Angle X-Ray Scattering study and textures of magnetic colloidal dispersions based on core-shell ferrite nanoparticles Thiago. Fiuza, G. S. Gomide, F. G. da Silva, P. Coppola, R. C. Gomes, R. Aquino, F. L. O. Paula, F. A. Tourinho, J. Depeyrot
08 Synthesis, structural and magnetic properties of mixed Zinc-Cobalt ferrite nanoparticles for magnetic fluid preparation P. Coppola, Guilherme S. Gomide, F. G. da Silva, F. L. O. Paula, R. Aquino, J. Depeyrot, F. A. Tourinho
09 Investigation of the nonlinear optical properties of magnetite nanoparticles in colloidal suspension and in thin film Daniel Espinosa, Antônio M. Figueiredo Neto
10 Probing the IRE-NC-I phase transitions by the surface plasmon resonance of embedded Au nanoparticles Vinícius M. Lenart, Rosane F. Turchiello, Sérgio L. Gómez
11 Pyridyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole and oxadiazole derivatives and their mesomorphic trimeric complexes induced by halogen bonding Paulina I. Hidalgo, María L. Parra, Jorge Vergara, Claudio A. Jiménez, Jorge Pasán and Catalina Ruiz-Perez
12 Global Universal Behavior in Liquid Crystalline Phases David S. Simeão, F. S. Alves, M. Simões
13 Investigation of Electrical Impedance of Composites formed by Hydrogel and MBBA Liquid Crystal by means of Non-Debye Models Paulo Ricardo G. Fernandes, Keila A. da Silva, Hatsumi Mukai, Edvani C. Muniz
14 Investigations of Topological Defects in Nematic Phase of a Lyotropic Liquid Crystal Hatsumi Mukai, Paulo Ricardo Garcia Fernandes, Breno Ferraz de Oliveira, Andréia Itami da Silva, Renato Ribeiro Guimarães, Renio dos Santos Mendes
15 Electrical Impedance and Refractive Index of Grape Seed Oils Extracted by Mechanical Pressing and Soxhlet Denner. S. Vieira, M. Menezes, H. Mukai, P. R. G. Fernandes
16 Schiff Bases from Isoxazolines and Isoxazoles. Synthesis and Liquid-Crystalline behavior. Caroline S. B. Weber, Rafaela R. da Rosa, Aloir A. Merlo
17 Liquid crystalline and fluorescent acids and cyanoderivatives as potential dyes for dye sensitized solar cells Aline Tavares, Aloir Antonio Merlo
18 Liquid crystalline and fluorescent coumarins derivatives for application in dye sensitized solar cells Aline Tavares, Aloir Antonio Merlo, Sherdil Khan, Marcos José Leite Santos
19 Synthesis and Thermal Behavior of 3-arylisoxazoles Gabriel Weber Zimmermann, Aloir A. Merlo , Eric S. Sales Guilherme D. Vilela.
20 Photoresponsive liquid crystals: a study of mesomorphic and optical behavior Thamires dos S. Moreira, Welisson de P. Silva, Juliana Eccher, Ivan H. Bechtold, Rodrigo Cristiano
21 Synthesis and termal/optical characterization of benzylidene-ketone derivatives as potential anisotropic dyes Alan Ferreira de Araújo, Welisson de P. Silva , Rodrigo Cristiano
22 Synthesis and study of Janus structure liquid crystal with 1,3,4-thiadiazole heterocycle Jorge Vergara C., F. Olate M., M. Parra
23 Synthesis of anisometric compounds derived from9,10-bis(5-phenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)anthracene Carlos Ratto, Eduard Westphal, Daniela Mezalira, Hugo Gallardo
24 Hockey stick shaped liquid crystals: A comparison between azo vs. triple bond, and the influence of different heterocycles. Paola Zimmermann Crocomo, Eduard Westphal, Daniela Zambelli Mezalira and Hugo Gallardo
25 New bent shaped liquid crystals based on Chalcone and Cyanopyridine Rafael Levi Coelho, Eduard Westphal and Hugo Gallardo
26 Synthesis of bent-core liquid crystals containing sulfone as bending unit Saúl Ovalle, Priscila P. Abatti, Eduard Westphal, Daniela Z. Mezalira and Hugo Gallardo
27 Study of binary and ternary phase diagrams of PTS/Water and PTS/Water/Alcohol Leila. T. Thieghi, S. Alves, L. Longo
28 Analysis of Optical and Mechanical Properties of Thin Films of Liquid-Crystal Elastomers Doped with Azo dyes Luan Henrique Glasser, Jean-Jacques Bonvent
29 Immunochromatographic test using gold nanoparticles for detection of proteins Gisele Elias Nunes Pauli, Alfredo de la Escosura-Muñiz,Claudio Parolo, Ivan H. Bechtold, Arben Merkoçi
30 Increased fluorescence of Qds ZnO with added water Paulo V. Baldissera, Lizandra M. Zimmermann, Alan D. Tabalipa, Ivan H. Bechtold
31 Morphological study of natural rubber blends doped with calcium phosphate Larissa Gomes França and Ivan H. Bechtold
32 Composites of Columnar Liquid Crystal with Gold Nanoparticles Deborah S.A. Liguori, Barbara Schvuchov Kern, Juliana Eccher and Ivan H. Bechtold
33 Fabrication, characterization and possible applications of functionalized submicrometric spheres and nanostructured films Bruno Leal Dias, Maria Luisa Sartorelli, Ivan H. Bechtold
34 Characterization of Thin Films of an Azo Photoisomerizable Columnar Liquid Crystal Luiza Spanamberg, Juliana Eccher, Eduard Westphal, Hugo Gallardo, Ivan H. Bechtold
35 Morphological influence in the variation of proportion of P3HT:PCBM blend films Franco Sauvisky, Inácio Momm and Marta Elisa Rosso Dotto